Welcome From Mrs. Ungvarsky

Education / Degree / Certification
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. I then attended Seton Hill University and obtained my secondary teaching certification. I hold teaching certifications in Biology grades 7-12, General Science grades 7-12, and Earth & Space Science grades 7-12.
Department / Courses Taught / Grades
I am a member of the High School science department. I teach Biology for grades 9 &10 and Human Anatomy & Physiology for grades 11 & 12. 
Work History / Background
Upon graduation from University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg I was hired as a lab analyst for an Environmental Hygiene laboratory company where I served as a microscopist for three years. While working as a lab analyst I completed by teaching certification at Seton Hill. I was employed as a long-term substitute for Hempfield Area School District and Greensburg-Salem School District during the 2008-2009 school year. I was hired by Derry Area School District in August of 2009 for the current teaching position I am in.